Introduction Editing an HTML document frequently involves typing the code in an editor, saving and publishing it to a website and then refreshing your browser to see the latest updates. While really not particularly onerous, doing these steps save-after-save does get tedious. Here is a simpler approach using a JavaScript package called browser-sync that can… Continue reading Live Browser Updates
Author: admin
Toolkit for Beginning Web Developers
Editors World War III is inevitable if you ask a group of people what the best code editor is. The EMACS people look with disdain on the VIM users. They both smirk about the various fancy, graphical tools, suggesting they look like refugees from Mario Cart. And then there are buckets of alternatives, some free… Continue reading Toolkit for Beginning Web Developers
Working with git
Over the past couple of days, I have reviewed several beginner tutorials on git and am now going to try to adapt to a workflow with a drupal 7 site. Because of the complexity of working with the sql database that drupal relies on for content, I will initially concentrate on simple file updates as… Continue reading Working with git
Focus Stacking in Photoshop, Helicon Focus and ZereneStacker
I began experimenting with a depth-of-field extension technique today called Focus Stacking. Analogous to HDR in some respects, this technique takes a set of images with overlapping zones of sharp focus and combines them into a single image exhibiting crisp focus throughout. Taking Images The first step is to take the set of images. Mount… Continue reading Focus Stacking in Photoshop, Helicon Focus and ZereneStacker
Pangur Bán, my cat
While in Dublin recently I visited Trinity College’s library (the Long Room) and saw again the Book of Kells. This manuscript rightly is a major tourist attraction. I am fascinated by both its timeless beauty and its role as an example of the effort by Irish monks in keeping classical culture alive in the face… Continue reading Pangur Bán, my cat
More Film Scanners
Further look at slide / film scanners: Flat Bed One of the big surprises in my current quest for scanners is that flatbeds have jumped up in quality to be serious alternatives in the scanner wars. They can do anywhere from 4 – 12 slides at a time and work with popular scanner control software,… Continue reading More Film Scanners
Epson Perfection V750-M Pro Scanner
Maybe this is an alternative to outside slide scanning services? See B&H’s page on it.
Slide Scanning
My CanoScan FS4000US has broken down for the second time and I am thinking of scrapping it. Unfortunately new, high-resolution slide scanners are very expensive, so I will first try some of the slide scanning services. Google search for “slide scanning service” yields these (and several thousand more): Fotobridge 250 slides – $89.95 (36… Continue reading Slide Scanning
Emailing backup file
The bash script I wrote worked well, stepping through and backing up the 9 individual databases to a temporary directory, then archiving that directory. Unfortunately, the desired next step of emailing that file turned out to be an issue. The version of mail on the host company’s computer did not handle attachments and building the… Continue reading Emailing backup file
Backing Up MySQL
I have 9 databases in MySQL that need to be backed up, so I wrote a bash script that: Creates folder /backups/SQL_BACK-yymmdd For each of the databases, uses mysqldump to generate a backup file (in the above folder) named dbname-yymmdd.sql. After completing for all the databases, then generates a tar.gz of the folder. The compressed… Continue reading Backing Up MySQL