Backing Up MySQL

I have 9 databases in MySQL that need to be backed up, so I wrote a bash script that: Creates folder /backups/SQL_BACK-yymmdd For each of the databases, uses mysqldump to generate a backup file (in the above folder) named dbname-yymmdd.sql. After completing for all the databases, then generates a tar.gz of the folder. The compressed… Continue reading Backing Up MySQL

Initial Setup

I used Softaculous for a quick clean install of D7. A simple copy from backup of various directories (gallery, images, sites) plus the .htaccess file allowed quick setup of the gallery (unharmed in my database debacle) and the site banner image. Overnight, a bunch of jerks tried setting up logins for the site, but they… Continue reading Initial Setup

Categorized as Webdev Tagged

Rebuilding the Site

A few weeks ago I taught myself another lesson on the need for backups when I deleted the MySQL database behind this site. No backup, no database, no site. So, in parallel with rebuilding the site, I am also writing a set of cron routines that will use mysqldump to make scheduled copies of all… Continue reading Rebuilding the Site

Categorized as Webdev Tagged